Young people
- International Centres

on the move

As we, Scalabrinian Secular Missionaries, experience a belonging that has no limits, we feel the urgency to share with all those we meet – especially migrants and young people – the joy that comes from experiencing that it is possible to live new relationships in acceptance and communion among diverse people.
 Through listening to God and the others, through mutual respect, through giving, receiving, and sharing it becomes possible to discover how the mystery of Christ’s death and resurrection is present in the field of migration, as well as in daily life. It is the secret of Easter, which is able to transform pain into joy, injustice in forgiveness, death into life, the dramas of emigration into the labour pains of a new humanity, thereby surprising those who participate with the experience of communion in which every person - whether he or she knows it or not - already abides and walks.
International Centres G. B. Scalabrini


This is the reason why we established International Centres Scalabrini for young people: are laboratories of new relationships in which people learn to look at the other, the different, the stranger and every reality, particularly that of migration, with new eyes - with the eyes of God.

Being open
to others,
being open
to the world

The path of human and Christian formation that the International Centres offer is open especially to young people (aged between 17 and 30 years) of different nationalities and wants to encourage the acceptance of each person in his/her diversity.
  • On the one hand this journey of formation intends, to support the training programs already taking place in the various local churches, placing itself at the service of the growth of Catholicity, (a constitutive dimension of the Church), so that the universal love of the God of Jesus can shine through in welcoming people of all cultures and backgrounds.
  • On the other hand, working in particular with schools and universities, the International Centres intend to make a contribution to raising awareness of issues related to migration and coexistence between people of different languages, cultures and religions.
In a society where the primacy of globalization tends to standardize, isolate and marginalize people, the proposal of formation offered by the Centres focuses in particular on the person, on relations and communion.